Over the course of a case, our attorneys spend a lot of time with their clients. There are long days, late nights, shared meals, and bonds formed. When the case ends, our lawyers and staff share in the joy of a win or offer a place to turn when things don’t work out. We know our clients, and know what the case means to them, their family and their future.
“Even after their case has settled, I always tell my clients, this doesn’t terminate our relationship,” says Keches Law Workers’ Compensation Senior Attorney Lauren Van Iderstine. “I always make a joke that ‘you’re stuck with me for life’.”
What are Google Reviews?
When people search for a business on Google or look up directions on Google Maps, one of the first things they will see are the business’s Google reviews. These are reviews left by customers of the business so that other people can make an informed decision about whether to go to the restaurant, buy the product, or in Keches Law’s instance, hire an attorney.
According to Forbes, more than 60% of customers check Google reviews online before they visit a business.
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Why Do Google Reviews Matter When Choosing an Attorney?
Van Iderstine says she always encourages clients to leave reviews online because it helps show other people looking for a lawyer the whole experience.
“It’s giving their word and what they have to say value,” she says. “It’s a hard journey, so at the end of that, asking for them to share their experience…really means a lot to them.”
Van Iderstine personally reaches out to clients to ask for reviews whenever she can and consistently receives high marks, but she says if a review isn’t positive, that is useful as well.
Transparency is one of the hallmarks of Google Reviews. Customers can see what former customers thought, and Van Iderstine says that if someone had a bad experience, it just shows her and her team an area to improve on.
Keches Law Senior Attorney Kelli Silva says Google Reviews provide insights to potential clients about whether an attorney might be the right fit for them personally.
“To me choosing the right attorney is as important as choosing the right doctor, so Google Reviews give clients some insight into who we are as people and attorneys and if we would make a good team,” she says.
When a person is trying to choose their attorney, to guide them through what will be a very difficult time in their life, Van Iderstine says Google Reviews offer them the opportunity to take charge.
“People, when they’re injured, feel like they no longer have control of their lives,” she says. “I want people to have control of their lives. They’re looking on Google because they want to have that little bit of control left. They want to be able to choose their own lawyer.”
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Lauren Van Iderstine wanted to be an attorney since she was a kid, she says her dad likes to say she would argue about what color the sky is. As she grew, she began to pursue becoming a judge but learned that it wasn’t right for her, because it didn’t have the same connection to the client.
“I realized I wanted to be actually practicing law, and be able to fight for my clients individually,” she says.
When her father was injured at work and she was connected with Keches Law, she says she immediately felt at home. Keches Law attorneys worked with her throughout the process, and she says what really resonated was that they were helping her but teaching her at the same time.
“It just immediately felt like where I wanted to be. It felt like home,”she says.
Throughout her busy days with her busy case load, she says she has trouble turning clients down because she knows what it feels like.
“I see my dad in a lot of clients. I feel like that has given me a better understanding and perhaps more patience with people,” she says. “It helped me in a lot of ways appreciate what people go through and what this whole process does to them.”
Client Feedback Helps Us Keep Getting Better
When Keches Law receives a review, someone on our team reads and responds to each one along with documenting any learnings to ensure we are continuously improving our client service.
“Reviews help our attorneys to improve their practice, as well as helping people who are looking for legal help,” Client Experience Manager Jill Solimini says. “Reviews help potential clients see that they are not alone, and that other people have been in a similar situation as them. They can be reassured while choosing an attorney that these clients found the attorneys at Keches Law group to be very attentive, compassionate, and dedicated during what can be a very trying time in their lives.”
In short, in an industry where trust is key, Google Reviews show our potential clients that we are trustworthy.
Customer engagement is one of the ways that Keches Law has built a community with our clients. We want our clients to feel heard, and hopefully feel loyal so that if they know someone else that needs an attorney they’ll think of us.
Van Iderstine says it is important for the firm to gain trust, but reviews also help her stand out as individual.
“We want them to know the lawyers and know that the lawyers are good at what they do,” she says. “Not just that Keches Law Group is good at what they do.”
Silva says having a good reputation is crucial for our business’s success and reviews are a window into how pleased our clients were with their experience.
“Reviews showcase the incredible people we have working at the firm tirelessly day in and day out for our clients,” she says.
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Keches Law Google Reviews
According to Solimini, Keches Law has had an excellent response from our clients through online reviews.
“We currently have over 1000+ reviews with an average 4.8 rating on just Google alone, with many of our attorneys receiving Avvo Client’s Choice Awards, as well as Martindale-Hubbell’s Gold and Silver Client Champion Awards,” she says.
Van Iderstine says the reviews are helpful for clients who are in the middle of a tough decision at an even tougher time.
“They want to look online and do the research for themselves and know that they’re choosing the person who is right for them,” Van Iderstine says. “It’s ultimately their choice, and I want it to be an easy choice for them.”
Let Keches Law Group Help You
If you are in need of a personal injury lawyer or workers’ compensation attorney, reach out to Keches Law Group. We have the reviews to support the claim that we help people get through traumatic moments in their lives every day.
Contact us today and let us help you in any way we can.