Raising a family is one of the most difficult but rewarding journeys a person can embark on, and we’re proud to have so many hardworking parents making up our team here at Keches Law Group.
We’re lucky to live in an era when family time holds immense importance. In fact, in a recent Pew Research poll, 73% of American adults surveyed say spending time with their family is one of the most important things in their life.
As a father myself, I can say for certain the most important thing in the world to me is my family. The battle between focusing on the career I am dedicated to and raising children I want to spend all my time with is eternal. Finding the right balance between the two is so gratifying. Having a supportive employer has been key to helping me maintain my sense of individuality while allowing me to think of my children and family every day.
Read on as we explore the transformative journey of fatherhood and hear directly from some of the other Keches dads about the importance of a supportive workplace environment.
Keches dads agree that being a father is a very important part of their life, but that doesn’t mean it always comes easy.
“When [I was] younger, there were so many challenges,” says Senior Attorney Joe Ferreira. “Work/life balance, too many boundaries, not enough boundaries, setting aside money for college. Everything is fluid and every experience is different. Do your best each day and it will all work out!”
Trial Attorney Jeffrey Falvey has a 10-month-old son and is still adjusting to the journey of fatherhood.

He said he was surprised by how seamless it was to transition his lifestyle, but that there were still obstacles.
“Balancing overnight duties with my wife was a challenge,” he says. “Balancing work, time with him, and time with family and friends. It has all been worth every minute though.”
Being a dad means “the world” to Falvey, and he says it’s even changed how he approaches work for the better. “Having a child helped me cut a lot of wasted time and action out of my day-to-day, and in many ways has made me a better professional,” he says.
Keches dads agreed that work is an important part of life, but becoming a father forever changed their priorities.
“Our world revolves around them, their safety, wellbeing and development,” Chief Operating Officer Tim Blacquier says.
“While keeping a social life intact is still hugely important, certain aspects of social life became less important,” Falvey says.
When it comes to balancing life as a working parent, Keches fathers offered different takes on how to keep the ship afloat.
“Listen and learn from them,” Ferreira says. “As a parent, you may think you know everything, based on your experiences. Then your children come with new insight and ideas.”
Blacquier stressed that balance is key, going on to say that “you can’t be everywhere at once and you’ll have to make sacrifices to create that balance. Sometimes it does get out of whack and you have to make adjustments. Setting clear expectations with both your family and other commitments up front will always help.”

Falvey says although his son is only 10 months old, he has already felt a big shift.
“Fully embrace each moment,” he says. “One minute they need you for everything and the next they are on the move.”
Keches Managing Partner Sean Flaherty prioritizes time spent with his children, taking part in their lives amid his hectic schedule.
“Being a dad will always be my greatest achievement in life. I coach my children in lacrosse and football and I love being there to support their aspirations,” he said.
Keches dads all said parenting changed their lives and their priorities and having their employer behind them as a working parent is vitally important.
“I think the continued reinforcing by leaders that primary caretakers need additional flexibility. That way it becomes culturally acceptable by employers, peers and families. Family often gets mentioned as the most important thing in life. But the reality and catch-22 is that we need our careers to provide financial support for our families,” Blacquier said. “Like many things in life, it’s all about balance. Balance is easier to achieve with the right support structures in place.”
Flaherty said it is important that clients understand that the people who make up Keches, whether attorneys, paralegals, or anyone else, understand what they are going through, and want to be there for them.
“I want our clients to know that we’re more than a law firm. We are fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters – and we understand hardship and are able to give genuine advice. Many of our attorneys and team members come from a blue-collar family background, and we know what it’s like to feel unsure about reaching out for help,” he said.
Being a parent means things come up that don’t always match up ideally with a work schedule. Kids get sick, events happen during work hours, sometimes childcare falls through. Keches dads said they think their company is very supportive.
“Keches is the best at imploring, and downright ordering employees to take vacations and care for their family before work commitments,” says Ferreira.

Blacquier says he thinks the legal industry as a whole lags behind other industries in regards to progressive policies. But he thinks Keches is generally ahead of its peers.
“There have also been amazing strides in state legislation that has helped spearhead change and support with things like Paid Family Medical Leave,” he says. “I remember when I was a new dad back in 2008, not working in the legal industry, I think I had a week off and was expected back in the office on day 8. There has been a lot of progress since then, across all industries.”
Keches Law Group is lucky to have such dedicated fathers working at the firm.
“No matter how busy you are, our family must always be number one,” Ferreira said. “Do not miss any opportunities to be with your children, always.”
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