We all know the feeling of getting stuck behind the school bus when we’re in a hurry. A line of traffic stops behind the big yellow bus while kids climb aboard and parents wave goodbye. Meanwhile, drivers behind fume after the third straight stop and their clock ticks on and on. But it’s better to be late than to let frustration and impatience lead to driving unsafely.
The roads are more congested during the school year – and it’s not just cars and school buses. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic also increase during the school year.
But back-to-school traffic can just be a minor annoyance if drivers, parents and guardians, and students keep their cool and follow some simple strategies. Read on to learn how to steer away from traffic accidents and avoid needing to hire an auto accident attorney.
Accept What You Can’t Control and Reduce Stress While Driving
First things first, you need to have the right attitude on the road. When traffic stress is taking over because of frequent bus stops and an increase in pedestrians and bikes on the road, be sure to keep yourself calm to avoid car accidents:
- Give yourself time. It’s going to take longer. Admit it. So leave earlier, make the commute leisurely, and don’t stress over whether you’ll get there on time.
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- Stay away from aggression, and don’t participate. If you see someone else losing their cool, try to keep your distance. Don’t honk your horn in frustration or impatience. Your nerves will increase if participating with other upset drivers.
- Listen to music. Slower tempo music can calm your mind and help you stay cool during longer waits. Audiobooks, podcasts or the radio are also options if they are programs that relax you.
- Take a break if you need it. If you feel yourself bubbling over, pull over and take a minute. Don’t let your own irritation make the environment less safe for other people. When you have a cooler head, get back on the road.
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Be Cautious Around Buses, Pedestrians and Bikes
During the school year, commuters share the road with school buses, bicyclists and pedestrians all trying to make their way to and from school. The threat of a traffic accident with any one of these is something drivers need to consider.
Bus Crashes
With about 400,000 riders a year, school buses are one of the most popular ways for kids to get to school. School buses are designed for safety but aren’t immune to car accidents. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2010 to 2019, the United States saw 1,080 school-transportation-related crashes and caused nearly 1,200 fatalities.
Bus riders are most likely to be injured while boarding or exiting. In the event of an accident, individuals are often hit by oncoming traffic or the bus itself if standing in its blind zones.
Accidents Involving Pedestrians
Pedestrians are at a greater risk of injury from school-transportation-related crashes than passengers. Between 2010-19, there were 1.6 times more fatalities among pedestrians than occupants of school transportation vehicles in school-transportation-related crashes.
Children are especially at risk. According to the CDC, in 2017, almost 20% of traffic crash deaths of children under 15 were pedestrians. Further, Between 7-8 a.m. and between 3-4 p.m. (typical start and end times for the school day) were the most dangerous hours of the day for school-aged pedestrians.
Bike Accidents
While some students may take the bus or have a parent drive them to school, others ride their bicycles.
Estimates show that fewer than 20% of students ride their bikes to school. Nonetheless, it is still essential to be cautious of bicyclists, especially young bicyclists, while driving. In 2019, there were nearly 329,000 bike accidents.
Although the daily commute during the early Fall months can be stressful, there are simple ways to manage the back-to-school traffic and prevent dangerous car accidents.
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How Can I Prevent Traffic Accidents?
Staying safe on the road is always important, but what can you do to emphasize the importance during the school year? Here are some suggestions to think about as the new school year begins.

- Follow your child’s school’s drop-off and pick-up procedure – Schools carefully plan drop-off and pick-up guidelines to ensure the safety of all students. Make sure to follow school procedures. If you are new to the school, inquire before the first day so you can prepare properly.
- Pay great attention to school zones, crosswalks, and crossing guards – It’s crucial to be careful when driving through school zones and crosswalks throughout the year, especially when school is in session.
- Always stop for school buses as they drop off and pick up students–School buses have flashing stop signs for a reason. Never pass a school bus when it is letting students off or picking students up. Always make sure students have plenty of room when boarding or exiting. When traveling close to a school bus, be even more cautious than you would be if traveling near another car.
- Look out for children– Children can make unpredictable movements. Always slow your speed and stay on high alert when passing areas often populated by children like school zones, parks, crosswalks, and playgrounds.
- Be alert for bicyclists and give them enough room – It can be frustrating for drivers to share the road with bicyclists. But, in Massachusetts, bicyclists have the same rights as motor vehicles. Be sure to be courteous and give them the room they need.
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Need a Car Accident Lawyer? Keches Law Group Can Help.
Have you, your child, or someone you know been involved in a collision due to traffic? The experienced personal injury lawyers at Keches Law Group can help.
Contact us today with any questions or to request a free case review.