Many people are under the impression that a broken down body after a lifetime of work is a non-compensable injury for purposes of workers’ compensation. A career in the construction industry or other heavy labor can cause serious damage to the human body. Luckily, in Massachusetts, the law provides employees with the ability to receive disability benefits and medical treatment in this type of situation. Once someone becomes unable to perform the duties of their employment due to work injuries that develop over time, they may be entitled to compensation. The theory behind this idea is simple. Massachusetts law recognizes that a gradual impairment of the body because of sustained work is compensable because it is a direct result of employment.
Of course, these injuries are a bit more complex than a slip-and-fall or back strain. As a practical matter, repetitive-stress cases are strongest when there is proof of treatment over a period of time, as well as credible medical opinions as to causation and disability. In addition, it also helps significantly if the employee is candid with their doctors about the onset of gradual pain or symptoms, throughout the course of their treatment. Telling your doctor about the nature of your work would further ensure proper diagnoses and care. Typically, if the medical record reflects substantial treatment with worsening symptoms over time, the better protected the employee will be down the road.
Were You Injured Due to Repetitive Stress at Work?
Recognizing this type of injury is particularly important if the repetitive injury causes someone to retire early. In that case, the employee would be entitled to life-long benefits, which include weekly benefits consisting of 66% of their average weekly wage, tax-free. Permanently-disabling work injuries can be terrifying for a worker in Massachusetts; therefore it is imperative to recognize the subtle, repetitive injuries that may leave you unable to work. Without the help from a capable attorney to handle these intricate issues, proving a repetitive injury case may be difficult, leaving you without compensation or medical benefits. In the event that you find yourself unable to work due to significant “wear and tear” pain from work activity, contact Keches Law Group to talk with an attorney who will help you to get what you’re entitled to under Massachusetts law.
If you have been injured due to repetitive stress at work, contact Keches Law Group at 617-898-0808 or online for a free consultation. An experienced attorney will be happy to meet you at one of our conveniently located offices or, if you are unable to travel, at your home.